The topic of SEO is becoming increasingly important in the age of Google and Co. Although we are not a professional SEO agency, when creating new customer websites we also take care of the topic of optimizing the pageranking with the important search engines.

Adjustments are largely made manually or with the help of professional tools such as SEOPress or SE Ranking. Websites are monitored and optimized with the help of analysis tools such as Matomo or Google Webmaster Tools. The SEOPress Pro plugin is used for WordPress-based websites.

Do not underestimate the value of SEO for the popularity of your website - only those who are listed in search engines will be found. However, the content is also important here, which must be tailored to the potential search terms. Here, too, we support you with the built-in analysis option of SEOPress and optionally also with the extensive resources of SE Ranking.

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Why should I hire an SEO specialist?

There are several reasons why you should hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialist: